CCC certification is very important, and all e-commerce platforms should always pay attention! If you have any questions about CCC certification application or want to apply for CCC certification, please contact our company ZRLK directly, and our engineers will answer you in the first time!
On March 12, 2021, India’s BIS issued a notice, extending the implementation time of the fifth batch of BIS compulsory certification products released on October 1, 2020 from April 1, 2021 to October 1, 2021.
On March 9, 2021, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced the launch of a public comment on 8 potential substances of very high concern (SVHCs). The comment period will end on April 23, 2021. During this period, all stakeholders All comments can be submitted to ECHA. The approved substances will be included in the SVHC candidate list as the 25th batch of substances.
Recently, Amazon announced that it requires the release of radio frequency device products on Starting from the second quarter of 2021, such products must provide a FCC authorization certificate or an FCC exemption certificate.
Follow|Australian button battery certification requirements update
On December 9, 2020, the European Union issued a revised toy flammability standard EN 71-2:2020. This standard replaces the previous EN 71-2:2011+A1:2014.
Australia has introduced four mandatory standards to reduce the use of button batteries and the risk of death and injury associated with button batteries. The requirements of mandatory standards apply to button batteries and coin batteries. Mandatory standards include an 18-month transition period to allow suppliers time to make any manufacturing and design changes to products and packaging to meet the new requirements. Starting in June 2022, suppliers must comply with the requirements in the standard.
On December 10, 2020, the European Union issued a draft of a new battery law, intending to abolish the current EU battery directive, transform its battery control requirements from \"directives\" to \"regulations\", and plan to establish a new battery regulatory framework. The draft reclassified batteries into four categories: portable batteries, car batteries, electric vehicle batteries and industrial batteries. The draft of the new battery law still maintains the restrictions on mercury and cadmium in batteries in the current EU battery directives, but the restrictions and exemptions are planned to be technically updated.
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