


BSCI certification is an abbreviation of BusinessSocialComplianceInitiative, and Chinese is called business social standard certification. BSCI is an organization that advocates the business community to abide by social responsibility. At the same time, it is a non-profit organization. Its purpose is to adopt a unified process and continuously improve development policies to monitor and promote the performance of social responsibility of companies that produce related products. BSCI's organization members include many brand companies, retailers and traders. Most of the products are textiles or products that include textiles.

And what is the audit procedure for BSCI certification?

Its audit procedure is from BSCI members, suppliers, audit companies -> self-assessment -> initial audit -> corrective action plan -> corrective action stage -> re-audit -> passed the audit -> three Review again after years.

The number of days for the BSCI certification audit is determined by the size of the factory:

Factory size            Initial review      Review

1-100 workers          1.5 days         1 day

101-250 workers        2.5 days         1 day

251-500 workers        3 days           1 day

501-750 workers        3.5 days         1 day

751-1000 workers       4 days           2 days

1001 workers or more    4.5 days         2 days

Two points we should pay special attention to are: the initial audit includes 0.5 days of audit plan and reporting time; the organization form of the second company, company size, number of employees, number of company subcontractors and other factors may lead to data (corresponding to the number of people Audit days). The deviation depends on the contract between the customer and the audit supplier.

The BSCI certification fee is the payment required for the audit and qualification work, and will be directly agreed between BSCI members and their suppliers. In principle, the cost of the audit and re-audit should be borne by the audited company. However, it is up to the BSCI members to decide who must pay all costs for audits and qualifications.

Benefits and advantages of Bsci factory inspection:

Since Bsci can attract so many members to join, it must have its advantages, ZRLK for everyone decryption.

Benefits and advantages of Bsci factory inspection:

1. The certification is international, so it can reduce the additional cost of different certifications required by different customers.

2. Basically meet the local laws and regulations of customers, and also have international credibility.

3. Can increase the trust of customers, help to stabilize the existing market and expand new markets.

4. It is particularly easy to open the European market, because many European brands and retailers recognize Bsci certification.

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  • BSCI certification

    BSCI certification

    BSCI certification is an abbreviation of BusinessSocialComplianceInitiative, and Chinese is called business social standard certification. BSCI is an organization that advocates the business community to abide by social responsibility. At the same time, it is a non-profit organization.

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BSCI certification

BSCI certification is an abbreviation of BusinessSocialComplianceInitiative, and Chinese is called business social standard certification. BSCI is an organization that advocates the business community to abide by social responsibility. At the same time, it is a non-profit organization.

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