


basic introduction

The so-called hardness is the ability of the material to resist the pressing of harder objects into its surface. According to the different test methods and adaptation scopes, the hardness units can be divided into Brinell hardness, Vickers hardness, Rockwell hardness, micro Vickers hardness, etc. Different units have different test methods and are suitable for materials with different characteristics Or occasion.

Test characteristics

Hardness testing is one of the important indicators for testing the performance of materials, and it is also one of the fastest and most economical test methods. The reason why it can become a common method of mechanical property testing is because the hardness test can reflect the differences in the chemical composition, structure and processing technology of the material. It is often used as a means of supervision in all walks of life. For example, in steel materials, when martensite is formed, due to the dissolution of supersaturated carbon atoms, the lattice distortion is increased and the dislocation density is increased, which significantly reduces the plastic deformation ability. This is the reason for the high hardness of martensite . Obviously, the higher the carbon content, the greater the degree of distortion, and the higher the hardness. After quenching, steels with different carbon content have a large range between the hardness value and the martensite content and carbon content. Good correspondence, the hardness of tempered steel after tempering depends on the tempering temperature and holding time. The higher the tempering temperature, the longer the holding time and the lower the hardness. Therefore, the hardness test can be used to study the phase transformation of steel and as a means to detect the heat treatment effect of steel.

standard test

National standard

International Standard

GB/T 4341-2001 Metal Shore Hardness   Test Method 2002-05-01 implemented, replacing GB/T 4341-1984

GB/T 9966.5-2001 Test method for   natural facing stones Part 5: Shore hardness test method 2002-08-01   implemented, replacing GB/T 9966.5-1988

GB/T 231.2-2002 Metal Brinell   Hardness Test Part 2: Inspection and Calibration of Hardness Testers   Implemented on 2003-05-01, replacing GB/T 6269-1997

GB/T 231.3-2002

Metal Brinell hardness test. Part   3: Calibration of standard hardness blocks implemented 2003-05-01, replacing   GB/T 6270-1997

GB/T 17394-1998 Metal Leeb hardness   test method 1998-12-01 implementation

GB/T 18449.2-2001 Metal Knoop   Hardness Test Part 2: Inspection of Hardness Tester 2002-05-01

GB/T 18449.3-2001 Metal Knoop   Hardness Test Part 3: Calibration of Standard Hardness Blocks Implemented on   2002-05-01

GB/T 3854-2005 Reinforced plastic   Bakool hardness test method 2005-12-01 implemented, replacing GB/T 3854-1983

GB/T 5766-2007 Test method for   Rockwell hardness of friction materials Implemented on 2008-06-01, replacing   GB/T 5766-1996

GB/T 2654-2008 Hardness test method   for welded joints implemented on 2008-09-01, replacing GB/T 2654-1989

GB/T 531.1-2008 Test method for   indentation hardness of vulcanized rubber or thermoplastic rubber Part 1:   Shore hardness tester method (Shore hardness) 2008-12-01

GB/T 13313-2008 Roller Shore and   Leeb Hardness Test Methods 2009-05-01 implemented, replacing GB/T 13313-1991

GB/T 1941-2009 Wood hardness test   method 2009-08-01 implemented, replacing GB/T 1941-1991

GB/T 4909.8-2009 Bare wire test   method Part 8: Hardness test Brinell method 2009-12-01 Implementation

GB/T 531.2-2009 Vulcanized rubber   or thermoplastic rubber indentation hardness test method. Part 2: Portable   rubber international hardness test method 2009-12-01 implemented, replacing   GB/T 531-1999

GB/T 16534-2009 Fine ceramics room   temperature hardness test method 2009-12-01 implemented, replacing GB/T   16534-1996

GB/T 231.4-2009 Metal materials   Brinell hardness test Part 4: Hardness value table 2010-04-01 implementation

GB/T 230.1-2009 Metallic materials   Rockwell hardness test Part 1: Test methods (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, T   scale) 2010-04-01 implementation, instead GB/T 230.1-2004

GB/T 18449.4-2009 Metallic   materials Knoop hardness test Part 4: Hardness table 2010-04-01   implementation

GB/T 4340.4-2009 Metal materials   Vickers hardness test Part 4: Hardness value table 2010-04-01 implementation

GB/T 18449.1-2009 Metallic material   Knoop hardness test Part 1: Test method 2010-04-01 implementation, replacing   GB/T 18449.1-2001

GB/T 24523-2009 Metal material   rapid indentation (Brinell) hardness test method 2010-05-01 implementation

GB/T 7997-1987 Carbide Vickers   hardness test method 1988-03-01

GB/T 3849.2-2010 Carbide Rockwell   Hardness Test (Scale A) Part 2: Preparation and Calibration of Standard Test   Blocks 2011-11-01 Implementation

GB/T 27552-2011 Destructive test   for welds of metallic materials

GB/T 9790-1988 Vickers and Knoop   microhardness test of metal coating and other related coatings 1989-09-01

ISO6506-1:1999,Metallic   materials—Brinell hardness test—Part 1:Test method
  ISO6506-2:1999,Metallic materials—Brinell hardness test—Part 2:Verification   and calibration of testing machines
  ISO6506-3:1999,Metallic materials—Brinell hardness test—Part 3:Calibration of   reference blocks
  ISO6507-1:1997,Metallic materials—Vickers hardness test—Part 1:Test method
  ISO6507-2:1997,Metallic materials—Vickers hardness test—Part 2:Verification   and calibration of testing machines
  ISO6507-3:1997,Metallic materials—Vickers hardness test—Part 3:Calibration of   reference blocks
  ISO6508-1:1999,Metallic materials—Rockwell hardness test—Part 1:Test   method(sacles A
  ISO6508-2:1999,Metallic materials—Rockwell hardness test—Part 2:Verification   and calibration of testing machines(sacles A
  ISO6508-3:1999,Metallic materials—Rockwell hardness test—Part 3:Calibration   of reference blocks(sacles A
  ASTM E10 Test method for Brinell hardness of Metallic materials
  ASTM E18-03 Test methods for Rockwell hardness and Rockwell Superficial   hardness of Metallic materials
  ASTM E92 Test method for Vickers hardness of Metallic materials

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1. With a professional qualification and experienced expert technical team, we can provide you with professional consultation and services.

2. Have advanced laboratory equipment to ensure the accuracy and reliability of test data.

3. As a third-party testing and certification organization trusted by customers worldwide, we are your certificate of quality.

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  • BSCI certification

    BSCI certification

    BSCI certification is an abbreviation of BusinessSocialComplianceInitiative, and Chinese is called business social standard certification. BSCI is an organization that advocates the business community to abide by social responsibility. At the same time, it is a non-profit organization.

  • Enterprise CMA certification

    Enterprise CMA certification

    CMA, the name is \"China Metrology Accreditation\", the abbreviation of \"China Metrology Accreditation\" in English. According to the provisions of Article 22 of the Metrology Law of the People’s Republic of China: “The product quality inspection agency that provides notarized data to the society must be evaluated by the metrological administrative department of the people’s government at or above the provincial level for the capability and reliability of metrological verification and testing. Qualified.\"

  • CNAS certification

    CNAS certification

    Laboratory accreditation is a third-party certification that CNAS has the ability to perform specific testing and calibration work for testing and calibration laboratories.

Hardness Testing

The so-called hardness is the ability of the material to resist the pressing of harder objects into its surface. According to the different test methods and adaptation scopes, the hardness units can be divided into Brinell hardness, Vickers hardness, Rockwell hardness, micro Vickers hardness, etc.

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