


basic introduction

ZRLK testing provides professional automotive material testing services. It provides comprehensive testing on automotive metal materials, polymer materials, composite materials and other automotive interior and exterior decorative accessories, focusing on physical and chemical properties, the presence or absence of harmful substances, and other aspects, to help you improve the various aspects of the car. Aspect performance.

Testing service

Automotive metal material testing

The excellent quality of metal materials is an important guarantee for the safe operation of automobiles. ZRLK testing is committed to all-round testing of metal materials to escort safe travel, including tensile tests, chemical composition analysis, hardness tests, metallographic tests, bending tests, and impact Test, port analysis, size measurement.

Auto foam fabric material testing

The testing of automotive soft coating materials includes various physical properties and reliability tests of leather and textiles and their finished products. Test products: seat cover, seat foam, instrument panel skin, door panel skin, ceiling, carpet, soundproof cotton tape. Test items: folding fastness, wear resistance, Martindale abrasion, softness, breathability, resistance to reagents, scratch resistance, compression fatigue, low temperature flexibility, high temperature cooking.

Automotive polymer materials testing

The test content of automotive high score materials includes the mechanical properties test, thermal performance test, aging performance test, composition analysis, wear performance test, combustion performance test of plastic and rubber raw materials and their finished products.

Automotive ELV test

This test is mainly for the detection of lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers in accordance with the EU ELV Directive 2000/53/EC or the national standard GB/T 30512 for complete vehicles or parts and raw materials; or based on Other regulations, such as REACH, conduct related hazardous substance tests, such as asbestos, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, etc., to help build a green automotive industry chain.

Automotive VOC testing

Automobile VOC testing, mainly through comprehensive VOC testing of the entire vehicle, assembly, materials, so that products meet international, national, and enterprise standards, thereby creating a green and safe riding environment. The main test items include vehicle, cabin method, bag method, odor, atomization, formaldehyde, total carbon, VDA.278, etc. Test standards such as international standards ISO 12219 series, VDA series, DIN series.

Automotive cyclic corrosion test

The automotive cyclic corrosion test effectively simulates changes in the atmospheric temperature and humidity, and adds harsh weather factors such as simulated rainfall and high humidity, so that daily coatings and coated products can withstand more severe corrosion and erosion in a shorter period of time. , So as to better present the experimental effect and result performance that fit the user's formal use conditions

Electromagnetic compatibility testing of automotive electronic products

By testing the electromagnetic compatibility parameters of more than 50 kinds of automotive electronic components such as car instruments, air conditioning controllers, car audio, navigation infotainment systems, body control modules, various lights, motors, etc., to ensure the Minimal interference.

Automobile coating electroplating material inspection

The testing of automotive coatings and electroplating materials includes various surface properties and reliability tests of decorative strips, paint parts and electroplated parts. For door panels, interior and exterior trim strips, interior and exterior trim frames, bumpers, and deflectors, the coating thickness-ISO 2808, paint film adhesion-ISO 2409, linear abrasion-ISO 105 X12, scratch resistance-ISO 1518-1, gravel impact, light-SAE J2412, pencil hardness-ISO 15184.

Automotive interior and exterior trim inspection

Automotive interior and exterior trim testing includes automotive interior and exterior trim environmental reliability testing, automotive size, appearance, gray mark, and vibration reliability testing. Including car instrument panel, center console, steering wheel, car door trim parts assembly, car roof, car seat, trunk, front and rear plastic (metal) bumpers, door handles, hood, wiper, car lights , Anti-scratch strips, etc.

Test items

Environmental reliability test, prohibited substance test, electrical performance test, functional test, EMC test, material test, functional durability test, green environmental protection test and chemical regulations compliance service items;

General performance testing: hardness, tensile properties, impact properties, resilience, haze, tear strength, tear strength, brittleness temperature, low temperature retraction, tensile stress relaxation (creep), hydraulic test, pulse test, etc. Wait;

Conventional items: hardness, tensile properties, impact properties, resilience, haze, tear strength, tear strength, brittle temperature, low temperature retraction, tensile stress relaxation (creep), hydraulic test, pulse test, etc.;

Prohibited substance detection: asbestos: (a) chrysotile asbestos (b) asbestos (c) crocidolite (d) orthophyllite (e) tremolite (f) actinolite lead and its compounds, cadmium and its compounds, mercury And its compounds, hexavalent chromium compounds, polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), diphthalic phthalate (2-ethyl)hexyl ester (DEHP), diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP);

Reliability test: bending fatigue, high temperature test, low temperature test, hot air aging, ozone resistance aging, high and low temperature impact, ultraviolet aging, xenon lamp aging, carbon arc lamp aging, salt spray test, temperature and humidity test, vibration test, accelerated life Test, fatigue test, photoaging test, etc.;

Electrical properties: resistivity, surface electrostatic voltage, thermoelectricity, dielectric properties, dielectric loss, breakdown voltage, electrical strength, etc.;

Thermal performance test: glass transition temperature, melt index, Vicat temperature softening point, low temperature embrittlement temperature, melting point, thermal expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity coefficient, etc.;

Combustion performance: fire retardant, vertical combustion, smoke density, combustion rate, effective combustion calorific value, total smoke emission, etc.;

Environmental testing: heavy metal content, VOC directive, RoHS directive, REACH, ELV, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and other toxic and hazardous substances;

Automobile fuel-saving products: chassis dynamometer test, automobile constant speed fuel consumption comparison test, gasoline vehicle exhaust pollutant comparison test, drive wheel output power comparison test, engine bench test, gasoline engine load characteristics comparison test, gasoline engine Total power comparison test, gasoline engine exhaust pollutant comparison test, GB/T 14951, GB/T 18276.

Testing standards

National standards, European standards, American standards, test standards of major OEMs.

Our advantage

1. With a professional qualification and experienced expert technical team, we can provide you with professional consultation and services.

2. Have advanced laboratory equipment to ensure the accuracy and reliability of test data.

3. As a third-party testing and certification organization trusted by customers worldwide, we are your certificate of quality.

Online consultation

Online consultation

  • BSCI certification

    BSCI certification

    BSCI certification is an abbreviation of BusinessSocialComplianceInitiative, and Chinese is called business social standard certification. BSCI is an organization that advocates the business community to abide by social responsibility. At the same time, it is a non-profit organization.

  • Enterprise CMA certification

    Enterprise CMA certification

    CMA, the name is \"China Metrology Accreditation\", the abbreviation of \"China Metrology Accreditation\" in English. According to the provisions of Article 22 of the Metrology Law of the People’s Republic of China: “The product quality inspection agency that provides notarized data to the society must be evaluated by the metrological administrative department of the people’s government at or above the provincial level for the capability and reliability of metrological verification and testing. Qualified.\"

  • CNAS certification

    CNAS certification

    Laboratory accreditation is a third-party certification that CNAS has the ability to perform specific testing and calibration work for testing and calibration laboratories.

Automotive material testing

ZRLK testing provides professional automotive material testing services. It provides comprehensive testing on automotive metal materials, polymer materials, composite materials and other automotive interior and exterior decorative accessories, focusing on physical and chemical properties, the presence or absence of harmful substances, and other aspects, to help you improve the various aspects of the car. Aspect performance.

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